
A while back when I first moved out for my first year at university, I was looking for local Smash bros tournaments to attend. What I found out was that there was extreme difficulty finding in person tournaments, there was no way to just "see" tournaments in your area. I eventually found my local scene but that difficulty always stuck with me.

example At Smash Mapping, the goal is to make finding in-person tournaments far easier than current methods. Smash Mapping physically maps tournaments that are listed on Start.gg so you can easily see what tournaments are near you. By using the filters, you can easily search for tournaments that you specifically want, when you want.

But this doesn't only help individuals looking for tournaments, it also helps tournament organizers. The whole reason why its so hard to find tournaments is because organizers don't have a good way to show their tournaments to the public. Hopefully, if Smash Mapping becomes widespread, tournament organizers won't have to worry about advertising tournaments, people can just use Smash Mapping and find it themselves. Easy!